High School Students


All high school paperwork can be submitted electronically via email to: cuyamaca.admissions@gcccd.edu . Due to technology constraints, and a high volume of inquiries, paperwork may not be processed immediately. We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible to 但是,请在回复前至少24小时发送电子邮件查询. 与顾问会面,以获得并行/双注册项目的课程协助 please schedule an appointment online.


Concurrent Enrollment

Grossmont/Cuyamaca社区学院区将为学生提供机会 在正规网赌软件推荐注册大学课程 in high school. Permission from the high school administrator and parental approval must be obtained prior to registering for classes every term.


Benefits of taking college courses while in high school:

  • You can take college courses, and get college credit, virtually free! All Enrollment fees are waived for California resident high school students!
  • The college credits you earn may help you fulfill both high school diploma and college certificate or degree requirements
  • 因为你可以在高中的四年里修大学课程,你 有能力更早从大学毕业,节省你相当可观 amount of money on tuition in the long run.  In some instances, students can even 获得足够的大学学分,高中毕业时获得副学士学位 degree!
  • 它让你有机会参加高中没有的课程.
  • 它可以提高你进入你所选择的学院/大学的机会 you graduate.
  • It may improve your chances of qualifying for college scholarships.
  • 除了课程本身,学习大学课程还能让你接触到环境 of a college class. It gives you an opportunity to get comfortable with the setting, 严谨,以及对高等教育的期望,共同为你的职业生涯做准备 transition out of high school.
  • The Adult Education/College Credit Enrollment Program 允许符合条件的学生在Grossmont或正规网赌软件推荐注册大学课程 sites, or online. Students earn college credit while attending adult school in pursuit of a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate. Students can enroll in up to 11.0 units in the Fall and Spring semesters and 8 units in the Summer Semester.

Eligibility of Students


To be eligible for concurrent enrollment, students:

  • Must be currently enrolled in high school. 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th graders are welcome.
  • 必须由高中校长或辅导员确定是否有能力 benefit from "advanced scholastic or vocational work."
  • 必须事先获得家长/监护人的书面批准(根据高中授权表格)吗 to registering for classes.

General Rules Regarding College Enrollment

  • 高中生将被要求遵守与其他学生相同的学术和行为标准 other college student enrolled in a college class.
  • 访问特定课程可能会受到空间可用性和/或课程先决条件的限制. (See the college catalog and class schedule for specific prerequisite information.)
  • 如果一门课程要求先决条件,学生必须通过证明来明确这一要求 在库亚玛卡大学咨询中心满意地完成上述先决条件 Office, here.
  • 同时入学的学生可以以任何方式注册课程——(亲自, online, hybrid), but are limited to a total of 11 units per term (8 for summer session).
  • 州法律对参加体育锻炼的高中生人数进行了限制 Science classes, so please be mindful of this before trying to enroll.
  • All classes taken at Cuyamaca College are for college credit. Enrollment in this program will establish a permanent college record. Please be aware that all grades received, 和/或过多的辍学对未来的学术和资格状况有影响 including financial aid, athletics, etc. 
  • 大学学分课程可以用来满足高中毕业要求; however, this determination is made solely by the high school.
  • 高中学生需要提供往返大学的交通工具, 购买停车许可证(如果需要)和所需的教科书和用品 the college course(s).
  • 根据州和联邦规定,高中学生必须同时入学 courses with Cuyamaca College are treated like all other college students.  All college information is 受家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)管辖,该法案允许 发布学术信息,包括成绩,只给学生-无论如何 of age.  因此,家长将无权查阅或讨论教育记录 without the student present or without written consent or court order. For more information about FERPA in higher education, please visit here.

Procedures for Enrollment


Plan Ahead! Students should begin the process for concurrent enrollment as early as possible!


To enroll in college as a high school student, please follow these procedures, in order:


  1. Apply for Admission to Cuyamaca College. The application can be found on the Cuyamaca College homepage here. Applications take 24 hours to process, before the student will be active. Students will remain active until they miss two consecutive terms. If this occurs, students will have to reapply using the same application account initially created. Feel free to access our Application Instruction Flyer for additional reference.
    •   Applications submitted to Grossmont College are also acceptable, as we share one joint application system.                
  2. If you are interested in our Dual Enrollment Program, click the dynamic  Dual Enrollment Form. If you are interested in our (CCAP) College and Career Access Pathways Program, please click the dynamic CCAP Form. If you prefer a paper form, please click this Dual Enrollment Form or the CCAP Form.                         
  3. 获得您的父母或法定监护人在高中/大学学分上的签名 Enrollment Authorization Form.                                                                                            
  4. Meet with your high school counselor to:
    • Discuss what courses to take at the college.
    • Determine whether courses will also be eligible for high school credit.
    • Obtain their signed permission, via the required High School Authorization Form.   
    • 而在远程环境下,如果辅导员签名是不可能的,请有 高中辅导员将书面许可直接发邮件给专家代替 of a signature.
  5. 您可以通过动态提交CCAP表格和双重注册表格 form or you can submit your paper form directly to cuyamaca.admissions@gcccd.edu for clearance.                                                                    
  6. If you are a home schooled student, you must also provide a copy of the Affidavit for Homeschooling,在提交授权时向CA教育部提交 Form. These affidavits are good for up to one year. Any subsequent enrollment after this one year period will require an updated copy.  
  7. 一旦通过招生和记录审核,学生就可以登录学生网络顾问/自助服务 portal to register for classes. If you need assistance with registration, please view our video tutorials, or view our Step-By-Step Guide.  In addition, please feel free to look through our Next Steps Flyer for High School Students.     
  8. Important note如果你打算在我们这里修数学或英语课程,你必须先完成 math and english placement questionnaire on your webadvisor main menu. It can be found on the bottom left hand side of the menu screen, under "Step 2." This is a very quick, 7个问题的过程,它会给你什么水平的数学或 English you may enroll into.          


  • Enrollment fees ($46/unit) are waived for California resident high school students. However, high school students are responsible 用于支付所有杂项强制性费用,其中包括:健康费用,学生费用 Center Fee, and Student Representation Fee. This amounts to around $30 or less per term, and should be paid at the time of registration.
  • Parking Permits and Student Benefit Cards are optional for all students.  However, 停车许可证是必须的,并且在库亚马卡学院校园内停车是强制执行的.
  • California residents may be eligible for fee waivers, but federal financial aid grants are not available to high school students. 

Course Attendance

  • You must be present for the first class meeting or instructors may drop you. In addition, they may drop you for excessive absences. However, it is always the student's responsibility to drop courses before published deadlines, if you no longer plan to attend. 
  • Instructors are not required to drop students for non-attendance. 
  • Semester length and short term classes have different deadlines.  These can be found on the Cuyamaca College Website here. 一定要点击页面左边相应的学期 然后向下滚动,直到找到相关的学术日历和短期截止日期 dates.

Things to Remember 

  • English and mathematics placement is required 在大学学习英语和数学课程的学生,无论如何 levels taken at the high school. 
  • College counseling/advising services are provided to students through the Counseling Office
  • If students require additional accommodations, Cuyamaca College provides DSPS (Disabled Students Programs and Services), tutoring, and other support services.  Please inquire further for more information. 
  • 一旦正式注册,学生将通过Canvas获得一门活动课程, (the college learning management system), after 24 hours.
  • 如果你想继续你的同步注册到下个学期, 你必须分别填写一份新的高中/大学学分注册授权书 term. A new Application for Admission is not required unless you remain inactive for two consecutive main semesters (fall and spring).
  • 如果你用大学课程来满足高中的要求,一个官方 大学成绩单应由学生要求并寄到高中 for graduation evaluation. The transcript order link can be found on your webadvisor main menu. Spring semester classes typically end in early June; therefore, grades may not be available until mid-June. Please consider this fact when making plans for high school graduation.

After High School

如果你报名参加了并行招生项目,或者申请了学院的同时 在高中,你有资格继续在正规网赌软件推荐注册一次 you graduate. Please notify the Admissions and Records Office of your graduation so that your records can be updated. 

  • 我们的系统将要求毕业证明,然后您才能注册为 a first time college student. If you are 18 years of age prior to the first day of the semester, a High School Change of Status Form is all that is required. If under 18 prior to the first day of the semester, a High School Change of Status Form along with proof of graduation, or impending graduation, is required. 
  • As a minor, the college is required to verify graduation status as well. Sufficient 满足这一标准的证据包括:辅导员在底部签名 身份变更表,高中毕业证书复印件,或高中毕业证书 transcript with a graduation date listed. For more information regarding this policy, please feel free to contact our office.

Dual Enrollment 

有关双招生课程的更多信息-特别是大学 courses being taught on your high school campus-请联系临时高中和社区关系协调员Vanessa Saenz at  vanessa.saenz@gcccd.edu.